We’re a bit obsessed with Pokemon…

The Play! Pokémon program gives you the opportunity to compete against other Trainers in an organized setting where you can meet fellow fans, win prizes, and have fun! The CTRL Pad is thrilled to be part of the biggest fandom community worldwide. As an official Pokémon League location, we provide a nearby place for you to get together with fans of both the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the Pokémon video games. Have some fun with other Pokémon players who love collecting and playing just as much as you do. (Check out the latest deck meta…)



Alex Cooper

I became an organizer in December 2024, but I have been a Pokemon Professor since September-time. Since then, hosting the tournaments here has become a passion project. My love for the game started back in my childhood and has carried on throughout the years. I currently use Palkia, myself. I have been loving the game and the atmosphere it creates when meeting both new and experienced players. 


Alyx Falken *

I loved collecting Pokemon cards as a kid, but I always felt too intimidated to learn how to play with them. I used to read the moves on the cards by myself and wondered what playing the game would actually be like. I feel like I’m fulfilling a childhood wish by picking up the card game as an adult, which I never would have found the inspiration for if not for The CTRL Pad.

Scott Rundel – Head Judge

New Judges Welcome

Booster cards for sale:

Pack: £4.50

Box: £165

Pack: £4.50 SOLD OUT

Box: £165 SOLD OUT

New to the Pokemon Trading Card Game? No problem!

Professor Oak set a standard for fostering the enthusiasm of new would-be pokemon trainers. We’re just following in his footsteps.

Join our Pokemon Trainer Sessions and learn how the game is played from our professors or brush up on your skills with other new and returning players. We’ve built several starter decks with the latest meta so you’re learning skills that flow directly into tournament play.